path: root/
blob: 0bb681430916acee7ba4bb712280fee8e9a32f6d (plain) (tree)



















# C & Rust Library & Examples for Building WebAssembly Modules for NGINX Unit

This provides a C library (lbunit-wasm) and a Rust crate based on that library
to aid in the creation of WebAssembly modules in C and Rust.

It also has some demo WebAssembly modules written in C and Rust.

1. [C & Rust Library & Examples for Building WebAssembly Modules for NGINX Unit](#c---rust-library---examples-for-building-webassembly-modules-for-nginx-unit)
2. [Repository Layout](#repository-layout)
3. [Quickstart in Developing Rust WebAssembly Modules for Unit](#quickstart-in-developing-rust-webassembly-modules-for-unit)
4. [Getting Started](#getting-started)
    1. [Requirements](#requirements)
        * [wasi-sysroot](#wasi-sysroot)
        * [libclang_rt.builtins-wasm32-wasi](#libclang_rtbuiltins-wasm32-wasi)
    2. [Building libunit-wasm and C Examples](#building-libunit-wasm-and-c-examples)
    3. [Building the Rust libunit-wasm Crate and Examples](#building-the-rust-libunit-wasm-crate-and-examples)
    4. [Using With Unit](#using-with-unit)
5. [Consuming the C Library](#consuming-the-c-library)
6. [License](#license)

## Repository Layout

**src/c** contains the main libunit-wasm library.

**src/rust** contains the rust version of the above.

**examples/c** contains some demo WebAssembly modules that show both the raw
interface to Unit (\*-raw.c) and also the use of libunit-wasm (luw-\*.c).

**examples/rust** contains rust versions of the above C demo modules.

**examples/docker** contains docker files for building Unit with WebAssembly
support and the C examples.

## Quickstart in Developing Rust WebAssembly Modules for Unit

1) Have a suitable rust/wasm environment setup, See
[Building the Rust libunit-wasm Crate and Examples](#building-the-rust-libunit-wasm-crate-and-examples) for some details

2) Create a new rust project

$ cargo init --lib my-wasm-example

3) Add the [unit-wasm crate]( as dependency

$ cd my-wasm-example
$ cargo add unit-wasm

4) Set the crate type

$ printf '\n[lib]\ncrate-type = ["cdylib"]\n' >>Cargo.toml

5) Create an example application

To do this you can simply take a copy of our echo-request demo in this

$ wget -O src/

6) Build it!

$ cargo build --target wasm32-wasi

You should now have a *target/wasm32-wasi/debug/my_wasm_example.wasm* file
(yes, hyphens will be turned to underscores)

You can now use this in Unit with the following config

    "listeners": {
        "[::1]:8888": {
            "pass": "applications/my-wasm-example"

    "applications": {
        "my-wasm-example": {
            "type": "wasm",
            "module": "/path/to/my-wasm-example/target/wasm32-wasi/debug/my_wasm_example.wasm",
            "request_handler": "luw_request_handler",
            "malloc_handler": "luw_malloc_handler",
            "free_handler": "luw_free_handler",
            "module_init_handler": "luw_module_init_handler",
            "module_end_handler": "luw_module_end_handler"

and curl command

$ curl http://localhost:8888/

7) Enjoy!

## Getting Started

### Requirements

To build the C library and demo modules you will need make, clang, llvm,
compiler-rt & lld 8.0+. (GCC does not currently have any support for

#### wasi-sysroot

This is essentially a C library (based at least partly on cloudlibc and musl
libc) for WebAssembly and is required for the _wasm32-wasi_ target.

Distributions are starting to package this. On Fedora for example you can
install the



On FreeBSD you can install the



The Makefiles will pick this up automatically.

Where _wasi-sysroot_ is not available you can grab it from
[here]( Just grab the latest
wasi-sysroot-VERSION.tar.gz tarball.

Untar the wasi-sysroot package someplace.

#### libclang_rt.builtins-wasm32-wasi

You will probably also need to grab the latest
libclang\_rt.builtins-wasm32-wasi-VERSION.tar.gz tarball from the same
location and keep it handy.

### Building libunit-wasm and C Examples

Once you have the above sorted you can simply try doing

$ make WASI_SYSROOT=/path/to/wasi-sysroot examples


The Makefiles will look for an already installed wasi-sysroot on Fedora &
FreeBSD, so you may not need to specify it as above.

If you do, you can set the WASI\_SYSROOT environment variable in your shell so
you don't need to specify it here.

This will attempt to build libunit-wasm and the two example WebAssembly
modules, _luw-echo-request.wasm_ & _luw-upload-reflector.wasm_.

If the above fails (which currently there is a good chance it will) with an
error message like

wasm-ld: error: cannot open /usr/lib64/clang/16/lib/wasi/libclang_rt.builtins-wasm32.a: No such file or directory
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Then this is where that other tarball you downloaded comes in. Extract the
*libclang\_rt.builtins-wasm32.a* from it and copy it into the location
mentioned in the above error message.

Try the make command again...

### Building the Rust libunit-wasm Crate and Examples

To build with Rust you will of course need rust and also cargo and the
rust Wasm/WASI components. For example, the Fedora packages are:


Install with $PKGMGR.

If you have also completed the above building of the C library and examples
you should now be good to go.

$ make examples-rust

If you need to specify the *WASI_SYSROOT*, specify it in the make command as

This will build the libunit-wasm rust crate and rust example modules.

### Using With Unit

Now that you have all the above built, you are now ready to test it out with

If you created both the C and rust examples you will now have the following
WebAssembly modules


We won't go into the details of building Unit from source and enabling the
Unit WebAssembly language module here (see the []( in the repository root for more details) but will
instead assume you already have a Unit with the WebAssembly language module
already running.

Create the following Unit config

    "listeners": {
        "[::1]:8888": {
            "pass": "routes"

    "settings": {
        "http": {
            "max_body_size": 1073741824

    "routes": [
            "match": {
                "uri": "/echo*"
            "action": {
                "pass": "applications/luw-echo-request"
            "match": {
                "uri": "/upload*"
            "action": {
                "pass": "applications/luw-upload-reflector"
            "match": {
                "uri": "/rust-echo*"
            "action": {
                "pass": "applications/rust-echo-test"
            "match": {
                "uri": "/rust-upload*"
            "action": {
                "pass": "applications/rust-upload-reflector"

    "applications": {
        "luw-echo-request": {
            "type": "wasm",
            "module": "/path/to/unit-wasm/examples/c/luw-echo-request.wasm",
            "request_handler": "luw_request_handler",
            "malloc_handler": "luw_malloc_handler",
            "free_handler": "luw_free_handler",
            "module_init_handler": "luw_module_init_handler",
            "module_end_handler": "luw_module_end_handler"
        "luw-upload-reflector": {
            "type": "wasm",
            "module": "/path/to/unit-wasm/examples/c/luw-upload-reflector.wasm",
            "request_handler": "luw_request_handler",
            "malloc_handler": "luw_malloc_handler",
            "free_handler": "luw_free_handler",
            "request_end_handler": "luw_request_end_handler",
            "response_end_handler": "luw_response_end_handler"
        "rust-echo-test": {
            "type": "wasm",
            "module": "/path/to/unit-wasm/examples/rust/echo-request/target/wasm32-wasi/debug/rust_echo_test.wasm",
            "request_handler": "luw_request_handler",
            "malloc_handler": "luw_malloc_handler",
            "free_handler": "luw_free_handler",
            "module_init_handler": "luw_module_init_handler",
            "module_end_handler": "luw_module_end_handler"
        "rust-upload-reflector": {
            "type": "wasm",
            "module": "/path/to/unit-wasm/examples/rust/upload-reflector/rust_upload_reflector.wasm",
            "request_handler": "luw_request_handler",
            "malloc_handler": "luw_malloc_handler",
            "free_handler": "luw_free_handler",
            "request_end_handler": "luw_request_end_handler",
            "response_end_handler": "luw_response_end_handler"

Load this config then you should be ready to try it.

$ curl -X POST -d "Hello World" --cookie "mycookie=hmmm" http://localhost:8888/echo/?q=a
 *** Welcome to WebAssembly on Unit! [libunit-wasm (0.1.0/0x00010000)] ***

[Request Info]
REQUEST_PATH = /echo/?q=a
VERSION      = HTTP/1.1
QUERY        = q=a
REMOTE       = ::1
LOCAL_ADDR   = ::1
LOCAL_PORT   = 8080
SERVER_NAME  = localhost

[Request Headers]
Host = localhost:8080
User-Agent = curl/8.0.1
Accept = */*
Cookie = mycookie=hmmm
Content-Length = 11
Content-Type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded

[POST data]
Hello World

$ curl -v -X POST --data-binary @audio.flac -H "Content-Type: audio/flac" http://localhost:8888/upload-reflector/ -o wasm-test.dat
> Content-Type: audio/flac
> Content-Length: 60406273
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  115M  100 57.6M  100 57.6M  47.6M  47.6M  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:-- 95.2M
< Content-Type: audio/flac
< Content-Length: 60406273
$ sha1sum audio.flac wasm-test.dat
ef5c9c228544b237022584a8ac4612005cd6263e  audio.flac
ef5c9c228544b237022584a8ac4612005cd6263e  wasm-test.dat

## Consuming the C Library

If **unit/unit-wasm.h** and **libunit.a** are installed into standard
include/library directories then

Include the libunit-wasm header file

#include <unit/unit-wasm.h>

Link against libunit-wasm

$ clang ... -o myapp.wasm myapp.c -lunit-wasm

See []( for an
overview of the API.

## License

This project is licensed under the [Apache License 2.0](