path: root/pkg/deb/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
5 files changed, 229 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/deb/Makefile b/pkg/deb/Makefile
index efeb642f..8a02105c 100644
--- a/pkg/deb/Makefile
+++ b/pkg/deb/Makefile
@@ -16,6 +16,21 @@ BUILD_DEPENDS = $(BUILD_DEPENDS_unit)
+# Ubuntu 20.10
+ifeq ($(CODENAME),groovy)
+include Makefile.php
+include Makefile.python27
+include Makefile.python38
+include Makefile.go
+include Makefile.perl
+include Makefile.ruby
+include Makefile.jsc-common
+include Makefile.jsc11
+include Makefile.jsc13
+include Makefile.jsc14
+include Makefile.jsc15
# Ubuntu 20.04
ifeq ($(CODENAME),focal)
include Makefile.php
diff --git a/pkg/deb/Makefile.jsc-common b/pkg/deb/Makefile.jsc-common
index 928376c3..f7a6010b 100644
--- a/pkg/deb/Makefile.jsc-common
+++ b/pkg/deb/Makefile.jsc-common
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ MODULE_SUMMARY_jsc_common= Java shared packages for NGINX Unit
MODULE_RELEASE_jsc_common= 1
-ifneq (,$(findstring $(CODENAME),focal eoan disco buster))
+ifneq (,$(findstring $(CODENAME),groovy focal eoan disco buster))
diff --git a/pkg/deb/Makefile.jsc13 b/pkg/deb/Makefile.jsc13
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d22944dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/deb/Makefile.jsc13
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+MODULES+= jsc13
+MODULE_SUFFIX_jsc13= jsc13
+MODULE_SUMMARY_jsc13= Java 13 module for NGINX Unit
+MODULE_CONFARGS_jsc13= java --module=java13 --home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-13-openjdk-$$\(DEB_HOST_ARCH\) --jars=/usr/share/unit-jsc-common/
+MODULE_MAKEARGS_jsc13= java13
+MODULE_INSTARGS_jsc13= java13-install
+MODULE_SOURCES_jsc13= unit.example-jsc-app \
+ unit.example-jsc13-config
+BUILD_DEPENDS_jsc13= openjdk-13-jdk-headless openjdk-13-jre-headless
+MODULE_DEPENDS_jsc13=,openjdk-13-jre-headless,unit-jsc-common (= $(MODULE_VERSION_jsc_common)-$(MODULE_RELEASE_jsc_common)~$(CODENAME))
+ mkdir -p debian/unit-jsc13/usr/share/doc/unit-jsc13/examples/jsc-app
+ install -m 644 -p debian/unit.example-jsc-app debian/unit-jsc13/usr/share/doc/unit-jsc13/examples/jsc-app/index.jsp
+ install -m 644 -p debian/unit.example-jsc13-config debian/unit-jsc13/usr/share/doc/unit-jsc13/examples/unit.config
+ install -m 644 -p src/java/README.JSR-340 debian/unit-jsc13/usr/share/doc/unit-jsc13/
+ cd $$\(BUILDDIR_unit\) \&\& \
+ DESTDIR=$$\(INSTALLDIR\) make java-shared-uninstall
+define MODULE_POST_jsc13
+cat <<BANNER
+The $(MODULE_SUMMARY_jsc13) has been installed.
+To check out the sample app, run these commands:
+ sudo service unit restart
+ cd /usr/share/doc/unit-$(MODULE_SUFFIX_jsc13)/examples
+ sudo curl -X PUT --data-binary @unit.config --unix-socket /var/run/control.unit.sock http://localhost/config
+ curl http://localhost:8800/
+Online documentation is available at
+This version of Unit code is made available in support of the open source
+development process. This is an intermediate build made available for
+testing purposes only. This Unit code is untested and presumed incompatible
+with the JSR 340 Java Servlet 3.1 specification. You should not deploy or
+write to this code. You should instead deploy and write production
+applications on pre-built binaries that have been tested and certified
+to meet the JSR-340 compatibility requirements such as certified binaries
+published for the JSR-340 reference implementation available at
+Redistribution of any Intermediate Build must retain this notice.
+Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
+export MODULE_POST_jsc13
diff --git a/pkg/deb/Makefile.jsc14 b/pkg/deb/Makefile.jsc14
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b53a385
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/deb/Makefile.jsc14
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+MODULES+= jsc14
+MODULE_SUFFIX_jsc14= jsc14
+MODULE_SUMMARY_jsc14= Java 14 module for NGINX Unit
+MODULE_CONFARGS_jsc14= java --module=java14 --home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-14-openjdk-$$\(DEB_HOST_ARCH\) --jars=/usr/share/unit-jsc-common/
+MODULE_MAKEARGS_jsc14= java14
+MODULE_INSTARGS_jsc14= java14-install
+MODULE_SOURCES_jsc14= unit.example-jsc-app \
+ unit.example-jsc14-config
+BUILD_DEPENDS_jsc14= openjdk-14-jdk-headless openjdk-14-jre-headless
+MODULE_DEPENDS_jsc14=,openjdk-14-jre-headless,unit-jsc-common (= $(MODULE_VERSION_jsc_common)-$(MODULE_RELEASE_jsc_common)~$(CODENAME))
+ mkdir -p debian/unit-jsc14/usr/share/doc/unit-jsc14/examples/jsc-app
+ install -m 644 -p debian/unit.example-jsc-app debian/unit-jsc14/usr/share/doc/unit-jsc14/examples/jsc-app/index.jsp
+ install -m 644 -p debian/unit.example-jsc14-config debian/unit-jsc14/usr/share/doc/unit-jsc14/examples/unit.config
+ install -m 644 -p src/java/README.JSR-340 debian/unit-jsc14/usr/share/doc/unit-jsc14/
+ cd $$\(BUILDDIR_unit\) \&\& \
+ DESTDIR=$$\(INSTALLDIR\) make java-shared-uninstall
+define MODULE_POST_jsc14
+cat <<BANNER
+The $(MODULE_SUMMARY_jsc14) has been installed.
+To check out the sample app, run these commands:
+ sudo service unit restart
+ cd /usr/share/doc/unit-$(MODULE_SUFFIX_jsc14)/examples
+ sudo curl -X PUT --data-binary @unit.config --unix-socket /var/run/control.unit.sock http://localhost/config
+ curl http://localhost:8800/
+Online documentation is available at
+This version of Unit code is made available in support of the open source
+development process. This is an intermediate build made available for
+testing purposes only. This Unit code is untested and presumed incompatible
+with the JSR 340 Java Servlet 3.1 specification. You should not deploy or
+write to this code. You should instead deploy and write production
+applications on pre-built binaries that have been tested and certified
+to meet the JSR-340 compatibility requirements such as certified binaries
+published for the JSR-340 reference implementation available at
+Redistribution of any Intermediate Build must retain this notice.
+Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
+export MODULE_POST_jsc14
diff --git a/pkg/deb/Makefile.jsc15 b/pkg/deb/Makefile.jsc15
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10b5505b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/deb/Makefile.jsc15
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+MODULES+= jsc15
+MODULE_SUFFIX_jsc15= jsc15
+MODULE_SUMMARY_jsc15= Java 15 module for NGINX Unit
+MODULE_CONFARGS_jsc15= java --module=java15 --home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-15-openjdk-$$\(DEB_HOST_ARCH\) --jars=/usr/share/unit-jsc-common/
+MODULE_MAKEARGS_jsc15= java15
+MODULE_INSTARGS_jsc15= java15-install
+MODULE_SOURCES_jsc15= unit.example-jsc-app \
+ unit.example-jsc15-config
+BUILD_DEPENDS_jsc15= openjdk-15-jdk-headless openjdk-15-jre-headless
+MODULE_DEPENDS_jsc15=,openjdk-15-jre-headless,unit-jsc-common (= $(MODULE_VERSION_jsc_common)-$(MODULE_RELEASE_jsc_common)~$(CODENAME))
+ mkdir -p debian/unit-jsc15/usr/share/doc/unit-jsc15/examples/jsc-app
+ install -m 644 -p debian/unit.example-jsc-app debian/unit-jsc15/usr/share/doc/unit-jsc15/examples/jsc-app/index.jsp
+ install -m 644 -p debian/unit.example-jsc15-config debian/unit-jsc15/usr/share/doc/unit-jsc15/examples/unit.config
+ install -m 644 -p src/java/README.JSR-340 debian/unit-jsc15/usr/share/doc/unit-jsc15/
+ cd $$\(BUILDDIR_unit\) \&\& \
+ DESTDIR=$$\(INSTALLDIR\) make java-shared-uninstall
+define MODULE_POST_jsc15
+cat <<BANNER
+The $(MODULE_SUMMARY_jsc15) has been installed.
+To check out the sample app, run these commands:
+ sudo service unit restart
+ cd /usr/share/doc/unit-$(MODULE_SUFFIX_jsc15)/examples
+ sudo curl -X PUT --data-binary @unit.config --unix-socket /var/run/control.unit.sock http://localhost/config
+ curl http://localhost:8800/
+Online documentation is available at
+This version of Unit code is made available in support of the open source
+development process. This is an intermediate build made available for
+testing purposes only. This Unit code is untested and presumed incompatible
+with the JSR 340 Java Servlet 3.1 specification. You should not deploy or
+write to this code. You should instead deploy and write production
+applications on pre-built binaries that have been tested and certified
+to meet the JSR-340 compatibility requirements such as certified binaries
+published for the JSR-340 reference implementation available at
+Redistribution of any Intermediate Build must retain this notice.
+Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
+export MODULE_POST_jsc15