path: root/src/nxt_external.c (follow)
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2021-11-24Sending shared port to application prototype.Max Romanov1-0/+12
2021-11-09Introducing application prototype processes.Tiago Natel de Moura1-5/+5
2021-10-28Moving request limit control to libunit.Max Romanov1-2/+2
2020-10-28Preserving the app port write socket.Max Romanov1-1/+7
2020-08-11Moving file descriptor blocking to libunit.Max Romanov1-2/+0
2020-08-11Libunit refactoring: port management.Max Romanov1-2/+12
2020-05-28Added "rootfs" feature.Tiago Natel de Moura1-0/+2
2020-03-09Refactor of process management.Tiago Natel de Moura1-5/+6
2019-12-24Adding "limits/shm" configuration validation and parsing.Max Romanov1-2/+2
2019-02-28Introducing Java Servlet Container beta.Max Romanov1-0/+1
2018-10-09Renamed "go" application type to "external".Valentin Bartenev1-0/+178