We had a mix of styles for declaring function-like macros:
Style A:
#define \
foo() \
do { \
... \
} while (0)
Style B:
#define foo() \
do { \
... \
} while (0)
We had a similar number of occurences of each style:
$ grep -rnI '^\w*(.*\\' | wc -l
$ grep -rn 'define.*(.*)' | wc -l
(Those regexes aren't perfect, but a very decent approximation.)
Real examples:
$ find src -type f | xargs sed -n '/^nxt_double_is_zero/,/^$/p'
nxt_double_is_zero(f) \
(fabs(f) <= FLT_EPSILON)
$ find src -type f | xargs sed -n '/define nxt_http_field_set/,/^$/p'
#define nxt_http_field_set(_field, _name, _value) \
do { \
(_field)->name_length = nxt_length(_name); \
(_field)->value_length = nxt_length(_value); \
(_field)->name = (u_char *) _name; \
(_field)->value = (u_char *) _value; \
} while (0)
I'd like to standardize on a single style for them, and IMO,
having the identifier in the same line as #define is a better
option for the following reasons:
- Programmers are used to `#define foo() ...` (readability).
- One less line of code.
- The program for finding them is really simple (see below).
function grep_ngx_func()
if (($# != 1)); then
>&2 echo "Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} <func>";
return 1;
find src -type f \
| grep '\.[ch]$' \
| xargs grep -l "$1" \
| sort \
| xargs pcregrep -Mn "(?s)^\$[\w\s*]+?^$1\(.*?^}";
find src -type f \
| grep '\.[ch]$' \
| xargs grep -l "$1" \
| sort \
| xargs pcregrep -Mn "(?s)define $1\(.*?^$" \
| sed -E '1s/^[^:]+:[0-9]+:/&\n\n/';
$ grep_ngx_func
Usage: grep_ngx_func <func>
$ grep_ngx_func nxt_http_field_set
#define nxt_http_field_set(_field, _name, _value) \
do { \
(_field)->name_length = nxt_length(_name); \
(_field)->value_length = nxt_length(_value); \
(_field)->name = (u_char *) _name; \
(_field)->value = (u_char *) _value; \
} while (0)
$ grep_ngx_func nxt_sprintf
u_char * nxt_cdecl
nxt_sprintf(u_char *buf, u_char *end, const char *fmt, ...)
u_char *p;
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
p = nxt_vsprintf(buf, end, fmt, args);
return p;
Scripted change:
$ find src -type f \
| grep '\.[ch]$' \
| xargs sed -i '/define *\\$/{N;s/ *\\\n/ /;s/ //}'
While connect(2) states that non-blocking connect should use EPOLLOUT:
The socket is non-blocking and the connection cannot be completed
immediately. It is possible to select(2) or poll(2) for completion by
selecting the socket for writing. After select(2) indicates writability,
use getsockopt(2) to read the SO_ERROR option at level SOL_SOCKET to
determine whether connect() completed successfully (SO_ERROR is zero)
or unsuccessfully (SO_ERROR is one of the usual error codes listed here,
explaining the reason for the failure).
On connect error, Linux 2.6.32 (CentOS 6) may return EPOLLRDHUP, EPOLLERR,