#!/usr/bin/make DEFAULT_VERSION := $(shell grep 'define NXT_VERSION' ../../src/nxt_main.h \ | sed -e 's/^.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/') DEFAULT_RELEASE := 1 VERSION ?= $(DEFAULT_VERSION) RELEASE ?= $(DEFAULT_RELEASE) BUILD_DEPENDS_unit = libxml2 libxslt rpm-build rpmlint BUILD_DEPENDS = $(BUILD_DEPENDS_unit) ifeq ($(shell rpm --eval "%{?rhel}"), 6) OSVER = centos6 else ifeq ($(shell rpm --eval "%{?rhel}"), 7) OSVER = centos7 else ifeq ($(shell rpm --eval "%{?amzn}"), 1) OSVER = amazonlinux1 BUILD_DEPENDS += system-rpm-config else ifeq ($(shell rpm --eval "%{?amzn}"), 2) OSVER = amazonlinux2 endif MODULES= ifneq (,$(findstring $(OSVER),centos6 centos7 amazonlinux2)) include Makefile.php include Makefile.python include Makefile.go endif ifeq ($(OSVER), amazonlinux1) include Makefile.php include Makefile.python27 include Makefile.python34 include Makefile.python35 include Makefile.python36 include Makefile.go endif CONFIGURE_ARGS=\ --prefix=/usr \ --state=%{_sharedstatedir}/unit \ --control="unix:/var/run/control.unit.sock" \ --pid=/var/run/unit.pid \ --log=/var/log/unit.log \ --tests export CR=\\n default: @echo "valid targets: all modules unit $(addprefix unit-, $(MODULES)) rpmlint specs clean" all: check-build-depends unit modules modules: $(addprefix unit-, $(MODULES)) specs: $(addsuffix .spec, $(addprefix rpmbuild/SPECS/unit-, $(MODULES))) check-build-depends: @{ \ not_installed= ; \ for pkg in $(BUILD_DEPENDS); do \ rpm -qi $${pkg} >/dev/null 2>&1 ; \ if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \ not_installed="$${not_installed} $${pkg}" ; \ fi ; \ done ; \ if test -n "$${not_installed}" ; then \ echo "" >&2 ; \ echo "The following packages are required in order to proceed:" >&2 ; \ echo "" >&2 ; \ echo $${not_installed} >&2 ; \ echo "" >&2 ; \ exit 1 ; \ fi \ } check-build-depends-%: @{ \ not_installed= ; \ for pkg in $(BUILD_DEPENDS_unit) $(BUILD_DEPENDS_$*); do \ rpm -qi $${pkg} >/dev/null 2>&1 ; \ if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \ not_installed="$${not_installed} $${pkg}" ; \ fi ; \ done ; \ if test -n "$${not_installed}" ; then \ echo "" >&2 ; \ echo "The following packages are required in order to proceed:" >&2 ; \ echo "" >&2 ; \ echo $${not_installed} >&2 ; \ echo "" >&2 ; \ exit 1 ; \ fi \ } rpmbuild/SPECS: mkdir -p rpmbuild/SPECS rpmbuild/SPECS/unit.spec: unit.spec.in ../../docs/changes.xml | rpmbuild/SPECS cat unit.spec.in | \ sed -e "s#%%VERSION%%#$(VERSION)#g" \ -e "s#%%RELEASE%%#$(RELEASE)#g" \ -e "s#%%CONFIGURE_ARGS%%#$(CONFIGURE_ARGS)#g" \ > rpmbuild/SPECS/unit.spec cd ../../docs && make ../build/unit.rpm-changelog ifneq ($(DEFAULT_VERSION)$(DEFAULT_RELEASE), $(VERSION)$(RELEASE)) cat ../../build/unit.rpm-changelog | sed -e \ "s/> - $(DEFAULT_VERSION)-$(DEFAULT_RELEASE)/> - $(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)/" \ >> rpmbuild/SPECS/unit.spec else cat ../../build/unit.rpm-changelog >> rpmbuild/SPECS/unit.spec endif rpmbuild/SOURCES/unit-$(VERSION).tar.gz: cd ../.. && tar -czf pkg/rpm/rpmbuild/SOURCES/unit-$(VERSION).tar.gz \ --transform "s#^#unit-$(VERSION)/#" \ LICENSE NOTICE CHANGES README configure auto src test unit: check-build-depends-unit rpmbuild/SPECS/unit.spec rpmbuild/SOURCES/unit-$(VERSION).tar.gz @echo "===> Building $@ package" ; \ rpmbuild -D "_topdir `pwd`/rpmbuild" -ba rpmbuild/SPECS/unit.spec && \ ln -s rpmbuild/BUILD/$@-$(VERSION)/build $@ rpmlint: find rpmbuild/ -name "*.rpm" -print -exec rpmlint {} \; rpmbuild/SPECS/unit-%.spec: unit.module.spec.in ../../docs/changes.xml | rpmbuild/SPECS @echo "===> Creating $@" @{ \ set -e ; \ i=100 ; \ sources= ; \ for src in $(MODULE_SOURCES_$*); do \ s="`printf "Source%d: %s\n" $${i} $${src}`" ; \ sources="$${sources}\n$${s}" ; \ i=$$(($${i}+1)) ; \ done ; \ pkgname=$(shell echo $@ | cut -d '/' -f 3 | cut -d '.' -f 1) ; \ definitions=`echo "$$MODULE_DEFINITIONS_$*" | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$$!ba' -e "s/\n/\$$CR/g"` ; \ preinstall=`echo "$$MODULE_PREINSTALL_$*" | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$$!ba' -e "s/\n/\$$CR/g"` ; \ files=`echo "$$MODULE_FILES_$*" | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$$!ba' -e "s/\n/\$$CR/g"` ; \ post=`echo "$$MODULE_POST_$*" | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$$!ba' -e "s/\n/\$$CR/g"` ; \ cat unit.module.spec.in | sed \ -e "s#%%NAME%%#$${pkgname}#g" \ -e "s#%%SUMMARY%%#$(MODULE_SUMMARY_$*)#g" \ -e "s#%%VERSION%%#$(MODULE_VERSION_$*)#g" \ -e "s#%%RELEASE%%#$(MODULE_RELEASE_$*)#g" \ -e "s#%%UNIT_VERSION%%#$(VERSION)#g" \ -e "s#%%UNIT_RELEASE%%#$(RELEASE)#g" \ -e "s#%%MODULE_SOURCES%%#$${sources}#g" \ -e "s#%%CONFIGURE_ARGS%%#$(CONFIGURE_ARGS)#g" \ -e "s#%%MODULE_CONFARGS%%#$(MODULE_CONFARGS_$*)#g" \ -e "s#%%MODULE_MAKEARGS%%#$(MODULE_MAKEARGS_$*)#g" \ -e "s#%%MODULE_INSTARGS%%#$(MODULE_INSTARGS_$*)#g" \ -e "s#%%MODULE_DEFINITIONS%%#$${definitions}#g" \ -e "s#%%MODULE_PREINSTALL%%#$${preinstall}#g" \ -e "s#%%MODULE_FILES%%#$${files}#g" \ -e "s#%%MODULE_POST%%#$${post}#g" \ > $@.tmp ; \ } cd ../../docs && make ../build/unit-$*.rpm-changelog cat ../../build/unit-$*.rpm-changelog | sed -e \ "s/> - $(DEFAULT_VERSION)-$(DEFAULT_RELEASE)/> - $(MODULE_VERSION_$*)-$(MODULE_RELEASE_$*)/" \ >> $@.tmp mv $@.tmp $@ unit-%: check-build-depends-% rpmbuild/SPECS/unit-%.spec rpmbuild/SOURCES/unit-$(VERSION).tar.gz @echo "===> Building $@ package" ; \ rpmbuild -D "_topdir `pwd`/rpmbuild" -ba rpmbuild/SPECS/$@.spec && \ ln -s rpmbuild/BUILD/$@-$(VERSION)/build $@ clean: rm -rf rpmbuild/SPECS rpmbuild/BUILD rpmbuild/BUILDROOT rpmbuild/RPMS rpmbuild/SRPMS ../../build rm -f rpmbuild/SOURCES/unit-*.tar.gz unit find . -maxdepth 1 -type l -delete .PHONY: default all modules specs check-build-depends rpmlint clean .SECONDARY: