/* * Copyright (C) NGINX, Inc. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "java/nxt_jni_Thread.h" #include "java/nxt_jni_Context.h" #include "java/nxt_jni_Request.h" #include "java/nxt_jni_Response.h" #include "java/nxt_jni_InputStream.h" #include "java/nxt_jni_OutputStream.h" #include "java/nxt_jni_URLClassLoader.h" #include "nxt_jars.h" static nxt_int_t nxt_java_pre_init(nxt_task_t *task, nxt_common_app_conf_t *conf); static nxt_int_t nxt_java_init(nxt_task_t *task, nxt_common_app_conf_t *conf); static void nxt_java_request_handler(nxt_unit_request_info_t *req); static void nxt_java_websocket_handler(nxt_unit_websocket_frame_t *ws); static void nxt_java_close_handler(nxt_unit_request_info_t *req); static uint32_t compat[] = { NXT_VERNUM, NXT_DEBUG, }; char *nxt_java_modules; #define NXT_STRING(x) _NXT_STRING(x) #define _NXT_STRING(x) #x NXT_EXPORT nxt_app_module_t nxt_app_module = { sizeof(compat), compat, nxt_string("java"), NXT_STRING(NXT_JAVA_VERSION), nxt_java_pre_init, nxt_java_init, }; typedef struct { JNIEnv *env; jobject ctx; } nxt_java_data_t; static nxt_int_t nxt_java_pre_init(nxt_task_t *task, nxt_common_app_conf_t *conf) { const char *unit_jars; unit_jars = conf->u.java.unit_jars; if (unit_jars == NULL) { unit_jars = NXT_JARS; } nxt_java_modules = realpath(unit_jars, NULL); if (nxt_java_modules == NULL) { nxt_alert(task, "realpath(%s) failed: %E", unit_jars, nxt_errno); return NXT_ERROR; } return NXT_OK; } static char ** nxt_java_module_jars(const char *jars[], int jar_count) { char **res, *jurl; nxt_int_t modules_len, jlen, i; const char **jar; res = nxt_malloc(jar_count * sizeof(char*)); if (res == NULL) { return NULL; } modules_len = nxt_strlen(nxt_java_modules); for (i = 0, jar = jars; *jar != NULL; jar++) { jlen = nxt_length("file:") + modules_len + nxt_length("/") + nxt_strlen(*jar) + 1; jurl = nxt_malloc(jlen); if (jurl == NULL) { return NULL; } res[i++] = jurl; jurl = nxt_cpymem(jurl, "file:", nxt_length("file:")); jurl = nxt_cpymem(jurl, nxt_java_modules, modules_len); *jurl++ = '/'; jurl = nxt_cpymem(jurl, *jar, nxt_strlen(*jar)); *jurl++ = '\0'; } return res; } static nxt_int_t nxt_java_init(nxt_task_t *task, nxt_common_app_conf_t *conf) { jint rc; char *opt, *real_path; char **classpath_arr, **unit_jars, **system_jars; JavaVM *jvm; JNIEnv *env; jobject cl, classpath; nxt_str_t str; nxt_int_t opt_len, real_path_len; nxt_uint_t i, unit_jars_count, classpath_count, system_jars_count; JavaVMOption *jvm_opt; JavaVMInitArgs jvm_args; nxt_unit_ctx_t *ctx; nxt_unit_init_t java_init; nxt_java_data_t data; nxt_conf_value_t *value; nxt_java_app_conf_t *c; //setenv("ASAN_OPTIONS", "handle_segv=0", 1); jvm_args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_6; jvm_args.nOptions = 0; jvm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = 0; c = &conf->u.java; if (c->options != NULL) { jvm_args.nOptions += nxt_conf_array_elements_count(c->options); } jvm_opt = nxt_malloc(jvm_args.nOptions * sizeof(JavaVMOption)); if (jvm_opt == NULL) { nxt_alert(task, "failed to allocate jvm_opt"); return NXT_ERROR; } jvm_args.options = jvm_opt; unit_jars_count = nxt_nitems(nxt_java_unit_jars) - 1; unit_jars = nxt_java_module_jars(nxt_java_unit_jars, unit_jars_count); if (unit_jars == NULL) { nxt_alert(task, "failed to allocate buffer for unit_jars array"); return NXT_ERROR; } system_jars_count = nxt_nitems(nxt_java_system_jars) - 1; system_jars = nxt_java_module_jars(nxt_java_system_jars, system_jars_count); if (system_jars == NULL) { nxt_alert(task, "failed to allocate buffer for system_jars array"); return NXT_ERROR; } if (c->options != NULL) { for (i = 0; /* void */ ; i++) { value = nxt_conf_get_array_element(c->options, i); if (value == NULL) { break; } nxt_conf_get_string(value, &str); opt = nxt_malloc(str.length + 1); if (opt == NULL) { nxt_alert(task, "failed to allocate jvm_opt"); return NXT_ERROR; } memcpy(opt, str.start, str.length); opt[str.length] = '\0'; jvm_opt[i].optionString = opt; } } if (c->classpath != NULL) { classpath_count = nxt_conf_array_elements_count(c->classpath); classpath_arr = nxt_malloc(classpath_count * sizeof(char *)); for (i = 0; /* void */ ; i++) { value = nxt_conf_get_array_element(c->classpath, i); if (value == NULL) { break; } nxt_conf_get_string(value, &str); opt_len = str.length + 1; char *sc = memchr(str.start, ':', str.length); if (sc == NULL && str.start[0] == '/') { opt_len += nxt_length("file:"); } opt = nxt_malloc(opt_len); if (opt == NULL) { nxt_alert(task, "failed to allocate classpath"); return NXT_ERROR; } if (sc == NULL && str.start[0] != '/') { nxt_memcpy(opt, str.start, str.length); opt[str.length] = '\0'; real_path = realpath(opt, NULL); if (real_path == NULL) { nxt_alert(task, "realpath(%s) failed: %E", opt, nxt_errno); return NXT_ERROR; } real_path_len = nxt_strlen(real_path); free(opt); opt_len = nxt_length("file:") + real_path_len + 1; opt = nxt_malloc(opt_len); if (opt == NULL) { nxt_alert(task, "failed to allocate classpath"); return NXT_ERROR; } } else { real_path = (char *) str.start; /* I love this cast! */ real_path_len = str.length; } classpath_arr[i] = opt; if (sc == NULL) { opt = nxt_cpymem(opt, "file:", nxt_length("file:")); } opt = nxt_cpymem(opt, real_path, real_path_len); *opt = '\0'; } } else { classpath_count = 0; classpath_arr = NULL; } rc = JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvm, (void **) &env, &jvm_args); if (rc != JNI_OK) { nxt_alert(task, "failed to create Java VM: %d", (int) rc); return NXT_ERROR; } rc = nxt_java_initThread(env); if (rc != NXT_UNIT_OK) { nxt_alert(task, "nxt_java_initThread() failed"); goto env_failed; } rc = nxt_java_initURLClassLoader(env); if (rc != NXT_UNIT_OK) { nxt_alert(task, "nxt_java_initURLClassLoader() failed"); goto env_failed; } cl = nxt_java_newURLClassLoader(env, system_jars_count, system_jars); if (cl == NULL) { nxt_alert(task, "nxt_java_newURLClassLoader failed"); goto env_failed; } nxt_java_setContextClassLoader(env, cl); cl = nxt_java_newURLClassLoader_parent(env, unit_jars_count, unit_jars, cl); if (cl == NULL) { nxt_alert(task, "nxt_java_newURLClassLoader_parent failed"); goto env_failed; } nxt_java_setContextClassLoader(env, cl); rc = nxt_java_initContext(env, cl); if (rc != NXT_UNIT_OK) { nxt_alert(task, "nxt_java_initContext() failed"); goto env_failed; } rc = nxt_java_initRequest(env, cl); if (rc != NXT_UNIT_OK) { nxt_alert(task, "nxt_java_initRequest() failed"); goto env_failed; } rc = nxt_java_initResponse(env, cl); if (rc != NXT_UNIT_OK) { nxt_alert(task, "nxt_java_initResponse() failed"); goto env_failed; } rc = nxt_java_initInputStream(env, cl); if (rc != NXT_UNIT_OK) { nxt_alert(task, "nxt_java_initInputStream() failed"); goto env_failed; } rc = nxt_java_initOutputStream(env, cl); if (rc != NXT_UNIT_OK) { nxt_alert(task, "nxt_java_initOutputStream() failed"); goto env_failed; } nxt_java_jni_init(env); if (rc != NXT_UNIT_OK) { nxt_alert(task, "nxt_java_jni_init() failed"); goto env_failed; } classpath = nxt_java_newURLs(env, classpath_count, classpath_arr); if (classpath == NULL) { nxt_alert(task, "nxt_java_newURLs failed"); goto env_failed; } data.env = env; data.ctx = nxt_java_startContext(env, c->webapp, classpath); if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) { nxt_alert(task, "Unhandled exception in application start"); (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env); return NXT_ERROR; } nxt_unit_default_init(task, &java_init); java_init.callbacks.request_handler = nxt_java_request_handler; java_init.callbacks.websocket_handler = nxt_java_websocket_handler; java_init.callbacks.close_handler = nxt_java_close_handler; java_init.request_data_size = sizeof(nxt_java_request_data_t); java_init.data = &data; ctx = nxt_unit_init(&java_init); if (nxt_slow_path(ctx == NULL)) { nxt_alert(task, "nxt_unit_init() failed"); return NXT_ERROR; } rc = nxt_unit_run(ctx); if (nxt_slow_path(rc != NXT_UNIT_OK)) { /* TODO report error */ } nxt_java_stopContext(env, data.ctx); if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) { (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env); } nxt_unit_done(ctx); (*jvm)->DestroyJavaVM(jvm); exit(0); return NXT_OK; env_failed: if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) { (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env); } return NXT_ERROR; } static void nxt_java_request_handler(nxt_unit_request_info_t *req) { JNIEnv *env; jobject jreq, jresp; nxt_java_data_t *java_data; nxt_java_request_data_t *data; java_data = req->unit->data; env = java_data->env; data = req->data; jreq = nxt_java_newRequest(env, java_data->ctx, req); if (jreq == NULL) { nxt_unit_req_alert(req, "failed to create Request instance"); if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) { (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env); (*env)->ExceptionClear(env); } nxt_unit_request_done(req, NXT_UNIT_ERROR); return; } jresp = nxt_java_newResponse(env, req); if (jresp == NULL) { nxt_unit_req_alert(req, "failed to create Response instance"); if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) { (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env); (*env)->ExceptionClear(env); } (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jreq); nxt_unit_request_done(req, NXT_UNIT_ERROR); return; } data->header_size = 10 * 1024; data->buf_size = 32 * 1024; /* from Jetty */ data->jreq = jreq; data->jresp = jresp; data->buf = NULL; nxt_unit_request_group_dup_fields(req); nxt_java_service(env, java_data->ctx, jreq, jresp); if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) { (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env); (*env)->ExceptionClear(env); } if (!nxt_unit_response_is_init(req)) { nxt_unit_response_init(req, 200, 0, 0); } if (!nxt_unit_response_is_sent(req)) { nxt_unit_response_send(req); } if (data->buf != NULL) { nxt_unit_buf_send(data->buf); data->buf = NULL; } if (nxt_unit_response_is_websocket(req)) { data->jreq = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, jreq); data->jresp = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, jresp); } else { nxt_unit_request_done(req, NXT_UNIT_OK); } (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jresp); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jreq); } static void nxt_java_websocket_handler(nxt_unit_websocket_frame_t *ws) { void *b; JNIEnv *env; jobject jbuf; nxt_java_data_t *java_data; nxt_java_request_data_t *data; java_data = ws->req->unit->data; env = java_data->env; data = ws->req->data; b = malloc(ws->payload_len); if (b != NULL) { nxt_unit_websocket_read(ws, b, ws->payload_len); jbuf = (*env)->NewDirectByteBuffer(env, b, ws->payload_len); if (jbuf != NULL) { nxt_java_Request_websocket(env, data->jreq, jbuf, ws->header->opcode, ws->header->fin); if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) { (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env); (*env)->ExceptionClear(env); } (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jbuf); } free(b); } nxt_unit_websocket_done(ws); } static void nxt_java_close_handler(nxt_unit_request_info_t *req) { JNIEnv *env; nxt_java_data_t *java_data; nxt_java_request_data_t *data; java_data = req->unit->data; env = java_data->env; data = req->data; nxt_java_Request_close(env, data->jreq); (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, data->jresp); (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, data->jreq); nxt_unit_request_done(req, NXT_UNIT_OK); }