import grp import os import pwd import re import subprocess import time import venv import pytest from packaging import version from unit.applications.lang.python import ApplicationPython prerequisites = {'modules': {'python': 'all'}} client = ApplicationPython() def test_python_application_variables(date_to_sec_epoch, sec_epoch): client.load('variables') body = 'Test body string.' resp = client.http( f"""POST / HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost Content-Length: {len(body)} Custom-Header: blah Custom-hEader: Blah Content-Type: text/html Connection: close custom-header: BLAH {body}""".encode(), raw=True, ) assert resp['status'] == 200, 'status' headers = resp['headers'] header_server = headers.pop('Server') assert'Unit/[\d\.]+', header_server), 'server header' assert ( headers.pop('Server-Software') == header_server ), 'server software header' date = headers.pop('Date') assert date[-4:] == ' GMT', 'date header timezone' assert abs(date_to_sec_epoch(date) - sec_epoch) < 5, 'date header' assert headers == { 'Connection': 'close', 'Content-Length': str(len(body)), 'Content-Type': 'text/html', 'Request-Method': 'POST', 'Request-Uri': '/', 'Http-Host': 'localhost', 'Server-Protocol': 'HTTP/1.1', 'Custom-Header': 'blah, Blah, BLAH', 'Wsgi-Version': '(1, 0)', 'Wsgi-Url-Scheme': 'http', 'Wsgi-Multithread': 'False', 'Wsgi-Multiprocess': 'True', 'Wsgi-Run-Once': 'False', }, 'headers' assert resp['body'] == body, 'body' def test_python_application_query_string(): client.load('query_string') resp = client.get(url='/?var1=val1&var2=val2') assert ( resp['headers']['Query-String'] == 'var1=val1&var2=val2' ), 'Query-String header' def test_python_application_query_string_space(): client.load('query_string') resp = client.get(url='/ ?var1=val1&var2=val2') assert ( resp['headers']['Query-String'] == 'var1=val1&var2=val2' ), 'Query-String space' resp = client.get(url='/ %20?var1=val1&var2=val2') assert ( resp['headers']['Query-String'] == 'var1=val1&var2=val2' ), 'Query-String space 2' resp = client.get(url='/ %20 ?var1=val1&var2=val2') assert ( resp['headers']['Query-String'] == 'var1=val1&var2=val2' ), 'Query-String space 3' resp = client.get(url='/blah %20 blah? var1= val1 & var2=val2') assert ( resp['headers']['Query-String'] == ' var1= val1 & var2=val2' ), 'Query-String space 4' def test_python_application_prefix(): client.load('prefix', prefix='/api/rest') def set_prefix(prefix): client.conf(f'"{prefix}"', 'applications/prefix/prefix') def check_prefix(url, script_name, path_info): resp = client.get(url=url) assert resp['status'] == 200 assert resp['headers']['Script-Name'] == script_name assert resp['headers']['Path-Info'] == path_info check_prefix('/ap', 'NULL', '/ap') check_prefix('/api', 'NULL', '/api') check_prefix('/api/', 'NULL', '/api/') check_prefix('/api/res', 'NULL', '/api/res') check_prefix('/api/restful', 'NULL', '/api/restful') check_prefix('/api/rest', '/api/rest', '') check_prefix('/api/rest/', '/api/rest', '/') check_prefix('/api/rest/get', '/api/rest', '/get') check_prefix('/api/rest/get/blah', '/api/rest', '/get/blah') set_prefix('/api/rest/') check_prefix('/api/rest', '/api/rest', '') check_prefix('/api/restful', 'NULL', '/api/restful') check_prefix('/api/rest/', '/api/rest', '/') check_prefix('/api/rest/blah', '/api/rest', '/blah') set_prefix('/app') check_prefix('/ap', 'NULL', '/ap') check_prefix('/app', '/app', '') check_prefix('/app/', '/app', '/') check_prefix('/application/', 'NULL', '/application/') set_prefix('/') check_prefix('/', 'NULL', '/') check_prefix('/app', 'NULL', '/app') def test_python_application_query_string_empty(): client.load('query_string') resp = client.get(url='/?') assert resp['status'] == 200, 'query string empty status' assert resp['headers']['Query-String'] == '', 'query string empty' def test_python_application_query_string_absent(): client.load('query_string') resp = client.get() assert resp['status'] == 200, 'query string absent status' assert resp['headers']['Query-String'] == '', 'query string absent' @pytest.mark.skip('not yet') def test_python_application_server_port(): client.load('server_port') assert ( client.get()['headers']['Server-Port'] == '8080' ), 'Server-Port header' @pytest.mark.skip('not yet') def test_python_application_working_directory_invalid(): client.load('empty') assert 'success' in client.conf( '"/blah"', 'applications/empty/working_directory' ), 'configure invalid working_directory' assert client.get()['status'] == 500, 'status' def test_python_application_204_transfer_encoding(): client.load('204_no_content') assert ( 'Transfer-Encoding' not in client.get()['headers'] ), '204 header transfer encoding' def test_python_application_ctx_iter_atexit(wait_for_record): client.load('ctx_iter_atexit') resp ='0123456789') assert resp['status'] == 200, 'ctx iter status' assert resp['body'] == '0123456789', 'ctx iter body' assert 'success' in client.conf({"listeners": {}, "applications": {}}) assert wait_for_record(r'RuntimeError') is not None, 'ctx iter atexit' def test_python_keepalive_body(): client.load('mirror') assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'init' body = '0123456789' * 500 (resp, sock) = headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', }, start=True, body=body, read_timeout=1, ) assert resp['body'] == body, 'keep-alive 1' body = '0123456789' resp =, body=body) assert resp['body'] == body, 'keep-alive 2' def test_python_keepalive_reconfigure(): client.load('mirror') assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'init' body = '0123456789' conns = 3 socks = [] for i in range(conns): (resp, sock) = headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', }, start=True, body=body, read_timeout=1, ) assert resp['body'] == body, 'keep-alive open' client.load('mirror', processes=i + 1) socks.append(sock) for i in range(conns): (resp, sock) = headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', }, start=True, sock=socks[i], body=body, read_timeout=1, ) assert resp['body'] == body, 'keep-alive request' client.load('mirror', processes=i + 1) for i in range(conns): resp =[i], body=body) assert resp['body'] == body, 'keep-alive close' client.load('mirror', processes=i + 1) def test_python_keepalive_reconfigure_2(): client.load('mirror') assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'init' body = '0123456789' (resp, sock) = headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', }, start=True, body=body, read_timeout=1, ) assert resp['body'] == body, 'reconfigure 2 keep-alive 1' client.load('empty') assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'init' (resp, sock) =, sock=sock, body=body) assert resp['status'] == 200, 'reconfigure 2 keep-alive 2' assert resp['body'] == '', 'reconfigure 2 keep-alive 2 body' assert 'success' in client.conf( {"listeners": {}, "applications": {}} ), 'reconfigure 2 clear configuration' resp = client.get(sock=sock) assert resp == {}, 'reconfigure 2 keep-alive 3' def test_python_atexit(wait_for_record): client.load('atexit') client.get() assert 'success' in client.conf({"listeners": {}, "applications": {}}) assert wait_for_record(r'At exit called\.') is not None, 'atexit' def test_python_process_switch(): client.load('delayed', processes=2) client.get( headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Content-Length': '0', 'X-Delay': '5', 'Connection': 'close', }, no_recv=True, ) headers_delay_1 = { 'Connection': 'close', 'Host': 'localhost', 'Content-Length': '0', 'X-Delay': '1', } client.get(headers=headers_delay_1, no_recv=True) time.sleep(0.5) for _ in range(10): client.get(headers=headers_delay_1, no_recv=True) client.get(headers=headers_delay_1) @pytest.mark.skip('not yet') def test_python_application_start_response_exit(): client.load('start_response_exit') assert client.get()['status'] == 500, 'start response exit' def test_python_application_input_iter(): client.load('input_iter') body = '''0123456789 next line last line''' resp = assert resp['body'] == body, 'input iter' assert resp['headers']['X-Lines-Count'] == '4', 'input iter lines' def test_python_application_input_readline(): client.load('input_readline') body = '''0123456789 next line last line''' resp = assert resp['body'] == body, 'input readline' assert resp['headers']['X-Lines-Count'] == '4', 'input readline lines' def test_python_application_input_readline_size(): client.load('input_readline_size') body = '''0123456789 next line last line''' assert['body'] == body, 'input readline size' assert ('0123')['body'] == '0123' ), 'input readline size less' def test_python_application_input_readlines(): client.load('input_readlines') body = '''0123456789 next line last line''' resp = assert resp['body'] == body, 'input readlines' assert resp['headers']['X-Lines-Count'] == '4', 'input readlines lines' def test_python_application_input_readlines_huge(): client.load('input_readlines') body = ( '''0123456789 abcdefghi next line: 0123456789 abcdefghi last line: 987654321 ''' * 512 ) assert (, read_buffer_size=16384)['body'] == body ), 'input readlines huge' def test_python_application_input_read_length(): client.load('input_read_length') body = '0123456789' resp = headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Input-Length': '5', 'Connection': 'close', }, body=body, ) assert resp['body'] == body[:5], 'input read length lt body' resp = headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Input-Length': '15', 'Connection': 'close', }, body=body, ) assert resp['body'] == body, 'input read length gt body' resp = headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Input-Length': '0', 'Connection': 'close', }, body=body, ) assert resp['body'] == '', 'input read length zero' resp = headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Input-Length': '-1', 'Connection': 'close', }, body=body, ) assert resp['body'] == body, 'input read length negative' @pytest.mark.skip('not yet') def test_python_application_errors_write(wait_for_record): client.load('errors_write') client.get() assert ( wait_for_record(r'\[error\].+Error in application\.') is not None ), 'errors write' def test_python_application_body_array(): client.load('body_array') assert client.get()['body'] == '0123456789', 'body array' def test_python_application_body_io(): client.load('body_io') assert client.get()['body'] == '0123456789', 'body io' def test_python_application_body_io_file(): client.load('body_io_file') assert client.get()['body'] == 'body\n', 'body io file' @pytest.mark.skip('not yet') def test_python_application_syntax_error(skip_alert): skip_alert(r'Python failed to import module "wsgi"') client.load('syntax_error') assert client.get()['status'] == 500, 'syntax error' def test_python_application_loading_error(skip_alert): skip_alert(r'Python failed to import module "blah"') client.load('empty', module="blah") assert client.get()['status'] == 503, 'loading error' def test_python_application_close(wait_for_record): client.load('close') client.get() assert wait_for_record(r'Close called\.') is not None, 'close' def test_python_application_close_error(wait_for_record): client.load('close_error') client.get() assert wait_for_record(r'Close called\.') is not None, 'close error' def test_python_application_not_iterable(wait_for_record): client.load('not_iterable') client.get() assert ( wait_for_record( r'\[error\].+the application returned not an iterable object' ) is not None ), 'not iterable' def test_python_application_write(): client.load('write') assert client.get()['body'] == '0123456789', 'write' def test_python_application_encoding(): client.load('encoding') try: locales = ( subprocess.check_output( ['locale', '-a'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) .decode() .splitlines() ) except ( FileNotFoundError, UnicodeDecodeError, subprocess.CalledProcessError, ): pytest.skip('require locale') to_check = [ re.compile(r'.*UTF[-_]?8'), re.compile(r'.*ISO[-_]?8859[-_]?1'), ] matches = [ loc for loc in locales if any(pattern.match(loc.upper()) for pattern in to_check) ] if not matches: pytest.skip('no available locales') def unify(str): str.upper().replace('-', '').replace('_', '') for loc in matches: assert 'success' in client.conf( {"LC_CTYPE": loc, "LC_ALL": ""}, '/config/applications/encoding/environment', ) resp = client.get() assert resp['status'] == 200, 'status' assert unify(resp['headers']['X-Encoding']) == unify(loc.split('.')[-1]) def test_python_application_unicode(temp_dir): try: app_type = client.get_application_type() v = version.Version(app_type.split()[-1]) if v.major != 3: raise version.InvalidVersion except version.InvalidVersion: pytest.skip('require python module version 3') venv_path = f'{temp_dir}/venv' venv.create(venv_path) client.load('unicode') assert 'success' in client.conf( f'"{venv_path}"', '/config/applications/unicode/home', ) assert ( client.get( headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Temp-dir': temp_dir, 'Connection': 'close', } )['status'] == 200 ) def test_python_application_threading(wait_for_record): """wait_for_record() timeouts after 5s while every thread works at least 3s. So without releasing GIL test should fail. """ client.load('threading') for _ in range(10): client.get(no_recv=True) assert ( wait_for_record(r'\(5\) Thread: 100', wait=50) is not None ), 'last thread finished' def test_python_application_iter_exception(findall, wait_for_record): client.load('iter_exception') # Default request doesn't lead to the exception. resp = client.get( headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'X-Skip': '9', 'X-Chunked': '1', 'Connection': 'close', } ) assert resp['status'] == 200, 'status' assert resp['body'] == 'XXXXXXX', 'body' # Exception before start_response(). assert client.get()['status'] == 503, 'error' assert wait_for_record(r'Traceback') is not None, 'traceback' assert ( wait_for_record(r"raise Exception\('first exception'\)") is not None ), 'first exception raise' assert len(findall(r'Traceback')) == 1, 'traceback count 1' # Exception after start_response(), before first write(). assert ( client.get( headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'X-Skip': '1', 'Connection': 'close', } )['status'] == 503 ), 'error 2' assert ( wait_for_record(r"raise Exception\('second exception'\)") is not None ), 'exception raise second' assert len(findall(r'Traceback')) == 2, 'traceback count 2' # Exception after first write(), before first __next__(). _, sock = client.get( headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'X-Skip': '2', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', }, start=True, ) assert ( wait_for_record(r"raise Exception\('third exception'\)") is not None ), 'exception raise third' assert len(findall(r'Traceback')) == 3, 'traceback count 3' assert client.get(sock=sock) == {}, 'closed connection' # Exception after first write(), before first __next__(), # chunked (incomplete body). resp = client.get( headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'X-Skip': '2', 'X-Chunked': '1', 'Connection': 'close', }, raw_resp=True, ) if resp: assert resp[-5:] != '0\r\n\r\n', 'incomplete body' assert len(findall(r'Traceback')) == 4, 'traceback count 4' # Exception in __next__(). _, sock = client.get( headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'X-Skip': '3', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', }, start=True, ) assert ( wait_for_record(r"raise Exception\('next exception'\)") is not None ), 'exception raise next' assert len(findall(r'Traceback')) == 5, 'traceback count 5' assert client.get(sock=sock) == {}, 'closed connection 2' # Exception in __next__(), chunked (incomplete body). resp = client.get( headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'X-Skip': '3', 'X-Chunked': '1', 'Connection': 'close', }, raw_resp=True, ) if resp: assert resp[-5:] != '0\r\n\r\n', 'incomplete body 2' assert len(findall(r'Traceback')) == 6, 'traceback count 6' # Exception before start_response() and in close(). assert ( client.get( headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'X-Not-Skip-Close': '1', 'Connection': 'close', } )['status'] == 503 ), 'error' assert ( wait_for_record(r"raise Exception\('close exception'\)") is not None ), 'exception raise close' assert len(findall(r'Traceback')) == 8, 'traceback count 8' def test_python_user_group(require): require({'privileged_user': True}) nobody_uid = pwd.getpwnam('nobody').pw_uid group = 'nobody' try: group_id = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid except KeyError: group = 'nogroup' group_id = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid client.load('user_group') obj = client.getjson()['body'] assert obj['UID'] == nobody_uid, 'nobody uid' assert obj['GID'] == group_id, 'nobody gid' client.load('user_group', user='nobody') obj = client.getjson()['body'] assert obj['UID'] == nobody_uid, 'nobody uid user=nobody' assert obj['GID'] == group_id, 'nobody gid user=nobody' client.load('user_group', user='nobody', group=group) obj = client.getjson()['body'] assert obj['UID'] == nobody_uid, f'nobody uid user=nobody group={group}' assert obj['GID'] == group_id, f'nobody gid user=nobody group={group}' client.load('user_group', group=group) obj = client.getjson()['body'] assert obj['UID'] == nobody_uid, f'nobody uid group={group}' assert obj['GID'] == group_id, f'nobody gid group={group}' client.load('user_group', user='root') obj = client.getjson()['body'] assert obj['UID'] == 0, 'root uid user=root' assert obj['GID'] == 0, 'root gid user=root' group = 'root' try: grp.getgrnam(group) group = True except KeyError: group = False if group: client.load('user_group', user='root', group='root') obj = client.getjson()['body'] assert obj['UID'] == 0, 'root uid user=root group=root' assert obj['GID'] == 0, 'root gid user=root group=root' client.load('user_group', group='root') obj = client.getjson()['body'] assert obj['UID'] == nobody_uid, 'root uid group=root' assert obj['GID'] == 0, 'root gid group=root' def test_python_application_callable(skip_alert): skip_alert(r'Python failed to get "blah" from module') client.load('callable') assert client.get()['status'] == 204, 'default application response' client.load('callable', callable="app") assert client.get()['status'] == 200, 'callable response' client.load('callable', callable="blah") assert client.get()['status'] not in [200, 204], 'callable response inv' def test_python_application_path(): client.load('path') def set_path(path): assert 'success' in client.conf(path, 'applications/path/path') def get_path(): return client.get()['body'].split(os.pathsep) default_path = client.conf_get('/config/applications/path/path') assert 'success' in client.conf( {"PYTHONPATH": default_path}, '/config/applications/path/environment', ) client.conf_delete('/config/applications/path/path') sys_path = get_path() set_path('"/blah"') assert ['/blah', *sys_path] == get_path(), 'check path' set_path('"/new"') assert ['/new', *sys_path] == get_path(), 'check path update' set_path('["/blah1", "/blah2"]') assert [ '/blah1', '/blah2', *sys_path, ] == get_path(), 'check path array' def test_python_application_path_invalid(): client.load('path') def check_path(path): assert 'error' in client.conf(path, 'applications/path/path') check_path('{}') check_path('["/blah", []]') def test_python_application_threads(): client.load('threads', threads=4) socks = [] for _ in range(4): sock = client.get( headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'X-Delay': '2', 'Connection': 'close', }, no_recv=True, ) socks.append(sock) threads = set() for sock in socks: resp = client.recvall(sock).decode('utf-8') client.log_in(resp) resp = client._resp_to_dict(resp) assert resp['status'] == 200, 'status' threads.add(resp['headers']['X-Thread']) assert resp['headers']['Wsgi-Multithread'] == 'True', 'multithread' sock.close() assert len(socks) == len(threads), 'threads differs'