import re from unit.applications.proto import TestApplicationProto class TestReturn(TestApplicationProto): prerequisites = {} def setup_method(self): self._load_conf( { "listeners": {"*:7080": {"pass": "routes"}}, "routes": [{"action": {"return": 200}}], "applications": {}, } ) def get_resps_sc(self, req=10): to_send = b"""GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost """ * ( req - 1 ) to_send += b"""GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost Connection: close """ return self.http(to_send, raw_resp=True, raw=True) def test_return(self): resp = self.get() assert resp['status'] == 200 assert 'Server' in resp['headers'] assert 'Date' in resp['headers'] assert resp['headers']['Content-Length'] == '0' assert resp['headers']['Connection'] == 'close' assert resp['body'] == '', 'body' resp ='blah') assert resp['status'] == 200 assert resp['body'] == '', 'body' resp = self.get_resps_sc() assert len(re.findall('200 OK', resp)) == 10 assert len(re.findall('Connection:', resp)) == 1 assert len(re.findall('Connection: close', resp)) == 1 resp = self.get(http_10=True) assert resp['status'] == 200 assert 'Server' in resp['headers'] assert 'Date' in resp['headers'] assert resp['headers']['Content-Length'] == '0' assert 'Connection' not in resp['headers'] assert resp['body'] == '', 'body' def test_return_update(self): assert 'success' in self.conf('0', 'routes/0/action/return') resp = self.get() assert resp['status'] == 0 assert resp['body'] == '' assert 'success' in self.conf('404', 'routes/0/action/return') resp = self.get() assert resp['status'] == 404 assert resp['body'] != '' assert 'success' in self.conf('598', 'routes/0/action/return') resp = self.get() assert resp['status'] == 598 assert resp['body'] != '' assert 'success' in self.conf('999', 'routes/0/action/return') resp = self.get() assert resp['status'] == 999 assert resp['body'] == '' def test_return_location(self): reserved = ":/?#[]@!&'()*+,;=" unreserved = ( "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "0123456789-._~" ) unsafe = " \"%<>\\^`{|}" unsafe_enc = "%20%22%25%3C%3E%5C%5E%60%7B%7C%7D" def check_location(location, expect=None): if expect is None: expect = location assert 'success' in self.conf( {"return": 301, "location": location}, 'routes/0/action' ), 'configure location' assert self.get()['headers']['Location'] == expect # FAIL: can't specify empty header value. # check_location("") check_location(reserved) # After first "?" all other "?" encoded. check_location("/?" + reserved, "/?:/%3F#[]@!&'()*+,;=") check_location("???", "?%3F%3F") # After first "#" all other "?" or "#" encoded. check_location("/#" + reserved, "/#:/%3F%23[]@!&'()*+,;=") check_location("##?#?", "#%23%3F%23%3F") # After first "?" next "#" not encoded. check_location("/?#" + reserved, "/?#:/%3F%23[]@!&'()*+,;=") check_location("??##", "?%3F#%23") check_location("/?##?", "/?#%23%3F") # Unreserved never encoded. check_location(unreserved) check_location("/" + unreserved + "?" + unreserved + "#" + unreserved) # Unsafe always encoded. check_location(unsafe, unsafe_enc) check_location("?" + unsafe, "?" + unsafe_enc) check_location("#" + unsafe, "#" + unsafe_enc) # %00-%20 and %7F-%FF always encoded. check_location(u"\u0000\u0018\u001F\u0020\u0021", "%00%18%1F%20!") check_location(u"\u007F\u0080н\u20BD", "%7F%C2%80%D0%BD%E2%82%BD") # Encoded string detection. If at least one char need to be encoded # then whole string will be encoded. check_location("%20") check_location("/%20?%20#%20") check_location(" %20", "%20%2520") check_location("%20 ", "%2520%20") check_location("/%20?%20#%20 ", "/%2520?%2520#%2520%20") def test_return_location_edit(self): assert 'success' in self.conf( {"return": 302, "location": "blah"}, 'routes/0/action' ), 'configure init location' assert self.get()['headers']['Location'] == 'blah' assert 'success' in self.conf_delete( 'routes/0/action/location' ), 'location delete' assert 'Location' not in self.get()['headers'] assert 'success' in self.conf( '"blah"', 'routes/0/action/location' ), 'location restore' assert self.get()['headers']['Location'] == 'blah' assert 'error' in self.conf_post( '"blah"', 'routes/0/action/location' ), 'location method not allowed' assert self.get()['headers']['Location'] == 'blah' assert 'success' in self.conf( '"https://${host}${uri}"', 'routes/0/action/location' ), 'location with variables' assert self.get()['headers']['Location'] == 'https://localhost/' assert 'success' in self.conf( '"/#$host"', 'routes/0/action/location' ), 'location with encoding and a variable' assert self.get()['headers']['Location'] == '/#localhost' assert ( self.get(headers={"Host": "#foo?bar", "Connection": "close"})[ 'headers' ]['Location'] == "/#%23foo%3Fbar" ), 'location with a variable with encoding' def test_return_invalid(self): def check_error(conf): assert 'error' in self.conf(conf, 'routes/0/action') check_error({"return": "200"}) check_error({"return": []}) check_error({"return": 80.1}) check_error({"return": 1000}) check_error({"return": -1}) check_error({"return": 200, "share": "/blah"}) check_error({"return": 200, "location": "$hos"}) check_error({"return": 200, "location": "$hostblah"}) assert 'error' in self.conf( '001', 'routes/0/action/return' ), 'leading zero' check_error({"return": 301, "location": 0}) check_error({"return": 301, "location": []})