import io import re import ssl import subprocess import pytest from conftest import option from conftest import skip_alert from unit.applications.tls import TestApplicationTLS class TestTLS(TestApplicationTLS): prerequisites = {'modules': {'python': 'any', 'openssl': 'any'}} def findall(self, pattern): with open(option.temp_dir + '/unit.log', 'r', errors='ignore') as f: return re.findall(pattern, def openssl_date_to_sec_epoch(self, date): return self.date_to_sec_epoch(date, '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z') def add_tls(self, application='empty', cert='default', port=7080): self.conf( { "pass": "applications/" + application, "tls": {"certificate": cert} }, 'listeners/*:' + str(port), ) def remove_tls(self, application='empty', port=7080): self.conf( {"pass": "applications/" + application}, 'listeners/*:' + str(port) ) def test_tls_listener_option_add(self): self.load('empty') self.certificate() self.add_tls() assert self.get_ssl()['status'] == 200, 'add listener option' def test_tls_listener_option_remove(self): self.load('empty') self.certificate() self.add_tls() self.get_ssl() self.remove_tls() assert self.get()['status'] == 200, 'remove listener option' def test_tls_certificate_remove(self): self.load('empty') self.certificate() assert 'success' in self.conf_delete( '/certificates/default' ), 'remove certificate' def test_tls_certificate_remove_used(self): self.load('empty') self.certificate() self.add_tls() assert 'error' in self.conf_delete( '/certificates/default' ), 'remove certificate' def test_tls_certificate_remove_nonexisting(self): self.load('empty') self.certificate() self.add_tls() assert 'error' in self.conf_delete( '/certificates/blah' ), 'remove nonexistings certificate' @pytest.mark.skip('not yet') def test_tls_certificate_update(self): self.load('empty') self.certificate() self.add_tls() cert_old = self.get_server_certificate() self.certificate() assert cert_old != self.get_server_certificate(), 'update certificate' @pytest.mark.skip('not yet') def test_tls_certificate_key_incorrect(self): self.load('empty') self.certificate('first', False) self.certificate('second', False) assert 'error' in self.certificate_load( 'first', 'second' ), 'key incorrect' def test_tls_certificate_change(self): self.load('empty') self.certificate() self.certificate('new') self.add_tls() cert_old = self.get_server_certificate() self.add_tls(cert='new') assert cert_old != self.get_server_certificate(), 'change certificate' def test_tls_certificate_key_rsa(self): self.load('empty') self.certificate() assert ( self.conf_get('/certificates/default/key') == 'RSA (2048 bits)' ), 'certificate key rsa' def test_tls_certificate_key_ec(self, temp_dir): self.load('empty') self.openssl_conf() [ 'openssl', 'ecparam', '-noout', '-genkey', '-out', temp_dir + '/ec.key', '-name', 'prime256v1', ], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) [ 'openssl', 'req', '-x509', '-new', '-subj', '/CN=ec/', '-config', temp_dir + '/openssl.conf', '-key', temp_dir + '/ec.key', '-out', temp_dir + '/ec.crt', ], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) self.certificate_load('ec') assert ( self.conf_get('/certificates/ec/key') == 'ECDH' ), 'certificate key ec' def test_tls_certificate_chain_options(self): self.load('empty') self.certificate() chain = self.conf_get('/certificates/default/chain') assert len(chain) == 1, 'certificate chain length' cert = chain[0] assert ( cert['subject']['common_name'] == 'default' ), 'certificate subject common name' assert ( cert['issuer']['common_name'] == 'default' ), 'certificate issuer common name' assert ( abs( self.sec_epoch() - self.openssl_date_to_sec_epoch(cert['validity']['since']) ) < 5 ), 'certificate validity since' assert ( self.openssl_date_to_sec_epoch(cert['validity']['until']) - self.openssl_date_to_sec_epoch(cert['validity']['since']) == 2592000 ), 'certificate validity until' def test_tls_certificate_chain(self, temp_dir): self.load('empty') self.certificate('root', False) [ 'openssl', 'req', '-new', '-subj', '/CN=int/', '-config', temp_dir + '/openssl.conf', '-out', temp_dir + '/int.csr', '-keyout', temp_dir + '/int.key', ], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) [ 'openssl', 'req', '-new', '-subj', '/CN=end/', '-config', temp_dir + '/openssl.conf', '-out', temp_dir + '/end.csr', '-keyout', temp_dir + '/end.key', ], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) with open(temp_dir + '/ca.conf', 'w') as f: f.write( """[ ca ] default_ca = myca [ myca ] new_certs_dir = %(dir)s database = %(database)s default_md = sha256 policy = myca_policy serial = %(certserial)s default_days = 1 x509_extensions = myca_extensions [ myca_policy ] commonName = supplied [ myca_extensions ] basicConstraints = critical,CA:TRUE""" % { 'dir': temp_dir, 'database': temp_dir + '/certindex', 'certserial': temp_dir + '/certserial', } ) with open(temp_dir + '/certserial', 'w') as f: f.write('1000') with open(temp_dir + '/certindex', 'w') as f: f.write('') [ 'openssl', 'ca', '-batch', '-subj', '/CN=int/', '-config', temp_dir + '/ca.conf', '-keyfile', temp_dir + '/root.key', '-cert', temp_dir + '/root.crt', '-in', temp_dir + '/int.csr', '-out', temp_dir + '/int.crt', ], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) [ 'openssl', 'ca', '-batch', '-subj', '/CN=end/', '-config', temp_dir + '/ca.conf', '-keyfile', temp_dir + '/int.key', '-cert', temp_dir + '/int.crt', '-in', temp_dir + '/end.csr', '-out', temp_dir + '/end.crt', ], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) crt_path = temp_dir + '/end-int.crt' end_path = temp_dir + '/end.crt' int_path = temp_dir + '/int.crt' with open(crt_path, 'wb') as crt, open(end_path, 'rb') as end, open( int_path, 'rb' ) as int: crt.write( + self.context = ssl.create_default_context() self.context.check_hostname = False self.context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED self.context.load_verify_locations(temp_dir + '/root.crt') # incomplete chain assert 'success' in self.certificate_load( 'end', 'end' ), 'certificate chain end upload' chain = self.conf_get('/certificates/end/chain') assert len(chain) == 1, 'certificate chain end length' assert ( chain[0]['subject']['common_name'] == 'end' ), 'certificate chain end subject common name' assert ( chain[0]['issuer']['common_name'] == 'int' ), 'certificate chain end issuer common name' self.add_tls(cert='end') try: resp = self.get_ssl() except ssl.SSLError: resp = None assert resp == None, 'certificate chain incomplete chain' # intermediate assert 'success' in self.certificate_load( 'int', 'int' ), 'certificate chain int upload' chain = self.conf_get('/certificates/int/chain') assert len(chain) == 1, 'certificate chain int length' assert ( chain[0]['subject']['common_name'] == 'int' ), 'certificate chain int subject common name' assert ( chain[0]['issuer']['common_name'] == 'root' ), 'certificate chain int issuer common name' self.add_tls(cert='int') assert ( self.get_ssl()['status'] == 200 ), 'certificate chain intermediate' # intermediate server assert 'success' in self.certificate_load( 'end-int', 'end' ), 'certificate chain end-int upload' chain = self.conf_get('/certificates/end-int/chain') assert len(chain) == 2, 'certificate chain end-int length' assert ( chain[0]['subject']['common_name'] == 'end' ), 'certificate chain end-int int subject common name' assert ( chain[0]['issuer']['common_name'] == 'int' ), 'certificate chain end-int int issuer common name' assert ( chain[1]['subject']['common_name'] == 'int' ), 'certificate chain end-int end subject common name' assert ( chain[1]['issuer']['common_name'] == 'root' ), 'certificate chain end-int end issuer common name' self.add_tls(cert='end-int') assert ( self.get_ssl()['status'] == 200 ), 'certificate chain intermediate server' @pytest.mark.skip('not yet') def test_tls_reconfigure(self): self.load('empty') assert self.get()['status'] == 200, 'init' self.certificate() (resp, sock) = self.get( headers={'Host': 'localhost', 'Connection': 'keep-alive'}, start=True, read_timeout=1, ) assert resp['status'] == 200, 'initial status' self.add_tls() assert self.get(sock=sock)['status'] == 200, 'reconfigure status' assert self.get_ssl()['status'] == 200, 'reconfigure tls status' def test_tls_keepalive(self): self.load('mirror') assert self.get()['status'] == 200, 'init' self.certificate() self.add_tls(application='mirror') (resp, sock) = self.post_ssl( headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Content-Type': 'text/html', }, start=True, body='0123456789', read_timeout=1, ) assert resp['body'] == '0123456789', 'keepalive 1' resp = self.post_ssl( headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Connection': 'close', 'Content-Type': 'text/html', }, sock=sock, body='0123456789', ) assert resp['body'] == '0123456789', 'keepalive 2' @pytest.mark.skip('not yet') def test_tls_keepalive_certificate_remove(self): self.load('empty') assert self.get()['status'] == 200, 'init' self.certificate() self.add_tls() (resp, sock) = self.get_ssl( headers={'Host': 'localhost', 'Connection': 'keep-alive'}, start=True, read_timeout=1, ) self.conf({"pass": "applications/empty"}, 'listeners/*:7080') self.conf_delete('/certificates/default') try: resp = self.get_ssl( headers={'Host': 'localhost', 'Connection': 'close'}, sock=sock ) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: resp = None assert resp == None, 'keepalive remove certificate' @pytest.mark.skip('not yet') def test_tls_certificates_remove_all(self): self.load('empty') self.certificate() assert 'success' in self.conf_delete( '/certificates' ), 'remove all certificates' def test_tls_application_respawn(self): self.load('mirror') self.certificate() self.conf('1', 'applications/mirror/processes') self.add_tls(application='mirror') (_, sock) = self.post_ssl( headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Content-Type': 'text/html', }, start=True, body='0123456789', read_timeout=1, ) app_id = self.findall(r'(\d+)#\d+ "mirror" application started')[0]['kill', '-9', app_id]) skip_alert(r'process %s exited on signal 9' % app_id) self.wait_for_record( re.compile( r' (?!' + app_id + r'#)(\d+)#\d+ "mirror" application started' ) ) resp = self.post_ssl( headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Connection': 'close', 'Content-Type': 'text/html', }, sock=sock, body='0123456789', ) assert resp['status'] == 200, 'application respawn status' assert resp['body'] == '0123456789', 'application respawn body' def test_tls_url_scheme(self): self.load('variables') assert ( headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Content-Type': 'text/html', 'Custom-Header': '', 'Connection': 'close', } )['headers']['Wsgi-Url-Scheme'] == 'http' ), 'url scheme http' self.certificate() self.add_tls(application='variables') assert ( self.post_ssl( headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Content-Type': 'text/html', 'Custom-Header': '', 'Connection': 'close', } )['headers']['Wsgi-Url-Scheme'] == 'https' ), 'url scheme https' def test_tls_big_upload(self): self.load('upload') self.certificate() self.add_tls(application='upload') filename = 'test.txt' data = '0123456789' * 9000 res = self.post_ssl( body={ 'file': { 'filename': filename, 'type': 'text/plain', 'data': io.StringIO(data), } } ) assert res['status'] == 200, 'status ok' assert res['body'] == filename + data