import os import re import sys import json import time import shutil import socket import select import tempfile import unittest from subprocess import call from multiprocessing import Process class TestUnit(unittest.TestCase): pardir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir)) def setUp(self): self._run() def tearDown(self): self._stop() if '--leave' not in sys.argv: shutil.rmtree(self.testdir) def check_modules(self, *modules): self._run() for i in range(50): with open(self.testdir + '/unit.log', 'r') as f: log = m ='controller started', log) if m is None: time.sleep(0.1) else: break if m is None: self._stop() exit("Unit is writing log too long") missed_module = '' for module in modules: m ='module: ' + module, log) if m is None: missed_module = module break self._stop() shutil.rmtree(self.testdir) if missed_module: raise unittest.SkipTest('Unit has no ' + missed_module + ' module') def _run(self): self.testdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='unit-test-') os.mkdir(self.testdir + '/state') print() def _run_unit(): call([self.pardir + '/build/unitd', '--no-daemon', '--modules', self.pardir + '/build', '--state', self.testdir + '/state', '--pid', self.testdir + '/', '--log', self.testdir + '/unit.log', '--control', 'unix:' + self.testdir + '/control.unit.sock']) self._p = Process(target=_run_unit) self._p.start() if not self._waitforfiles(self.testdir + '/', self.testdir + '/unit.log', self.testdir + '/control.unit.sock'): exit("Could not start unit") def _stop(self): with open(self.testdir + '/', 'r') as f: pid = call(['kill', pid]) for i in range(50): if not os.path.exists(self.testdir + '/'): break time.sleep(0.1) if os.path.exists(self.testdir + '/'): exit("Could not terminate unit") self._p.join(timeout=1) self._terminate_process(self._p) def _terminate_process(self, process): if process.is_alive(): process.terminate() process.join(timeout=5) if process.is_alive(): exit("Could not terminate process " + if process.exitcode: exit("Child process terminated with code " + str(process.exitcode)) def _waitforfiles(self, *files): for i in range(50): wait = False ret = 0 for f in files: if not os.path.exists(f): wait = True break if wait: time.sleep(0.1) else: ret = 1 break return ret class TestUnitHTTP(TestUnit): def http(self, start_str, **kwargs): sock_type = 'ipv4' if 'sock_type' not in kwargs else kwargs['sock_type'] port = 7080 if 'port' not in kwargs else kwargs['port'] url = '/' if 'url' not in kwargs else kwargs['url'] http = 'HTTP/1.0' if 'http_10' in kwargs else 'HTTP/1.1' headers = ({ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Connection': 'close' } if 'headers' not in kwargs else kwargs['headers']) body = b'' if 'body' not in kwargs else kwargs['body'] crlf = '\r\n' if 'addr' not in kwargs: addr = '::1' if sock_type == 'ipv6' else '' else: addr = kwargs['addr'] sock_types = { 'ipv4': socket.AF_INET, 'ipv6': socket.AF_INET6, 'unix': socket.AF_UNIX } if 'sock' not in kwargs: sock = socket.socket(sock_types[sock_type], socket.SOCK_STREAM) connect_args = addr if sock_type == 'unix' else (addr, port) try: sock.connect(connect_args) except ConnectionRefusedError: sock.close() return None else: sock = kwargs['sock'] sock.setblocking(False) if 'raw' not in kwargs: req = ' '.join([start_str, url, http]) + crlf if body is not b'': if isinstance(body, str): body = body.encode() if 'Content-Length' not in headers: headers['Content-Length'] = len(body) for header, value in headers.items(): req += header + ': ' + str(value) + crlf req = (req + crlf).encode() + body else: req = start_str sock.sendall(req) if '--verbose' in sys.argv: print('>>>', req, sep='\n') resp = self._recvall(sock) if '--verbose' in sys.argv: print('<<<', resp, sep='\n') if 'raw_resp' not in kwargs: resp = self._resp_to_dict(resp) if 'start' not in kwargs: sock.close() return resp return (resp, sock) def delete(self, **kwargs): return self.http('DELETE', **kwargs) def get(self, **kwargs): return self.http('GET', **kwargs) def post(self, **kwargs): return self.http('POST', **kwargs) def put(self, **kwargs): return self.http('PUT', **kwargs) def _recvall(self, sock, buff_size=4096): data = '' while[sock], [], [], 1)[0]: part = sock.recv(buff_size).decode() data += part if part is '': break return data def _resp_to_dict(self, resp): m ='(.*?\x0d\x0a?)\x0d\x0a?(.*)', resp, re.M | re.S) headers_text, body =, p = re.compile('(.*?)\x0d\x0a?', re.M | re.S) headers_lines = p.findall(headers_text) status ='^HTTP\/\d\.\d\s(\d+)|$', headers_lines.pop(0)).group(1) headers = {} for line in headers_lines: m ='(.*)\:\s(.*)', line) headers[] = return { 'status': int(status), 'headers': headers, 'body': body } class TestUnitControl(TestUnitHTTP): # TODO socket reuse # TODO http client def conf(self, conf, path='/'): if isinstance(conf, dict): conf = json.dumps(conf) return json.loads(self.put( url=path, body=conf, sock_type='unix', addr=self.testdir + '/control.unit.sock' )['body']) def conf_get(self, path='/'): return json.loads(self.get( url=path, sock_type='unix', addr=self.testdir + '/control.unit.sock' )['body']) def conf_delete(self, path='/'): return json.loads(self.delete( url=path, sock_type='unix', addr=self.testdir + '/control.unit.sock' )['body']) class TestUnitApplicationProto(TestUnitControl): current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) class TestUnitApplicationPython(TestUnitApplicationProto): def load(self, script, name=None): if name is None: name = script self.conf({ "listeners": { "*:7080": { "application": name } }, "applications": { name: { "type": "python", "processes": { "spare": 0 }, "path": self.current_dir + '/python/' + script, "module": "wsgi" } } }) class TestUnitApplicationPerl(TestUnitApplicationProto): def load(self, script, name=''): self.conf({ "listeners": { "*:7080": { "application": script } }, "applications": { script: { "type": "perl", "processes": { "spare": 0 }, "working_directory": self.current_dir + '/perl/' + script, "script": self.current_dir + '/perl/' + script + '/' + name } } })