import os import re import ssl import sys import json import time import shutil import socket import select import argparse import platform import tempfile import unittest import subprocess from multiprocessing import Process class TestUnit(unittest.TestCase): pardir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir)) architecture = platform.architecture()[0] maxDiff = None detailed = False save_log = False def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'): super().__init__(methodName) if re.match(r'.*\/run\.py$', sys.argv[0]): args, rest = TestUnit._parse_args() TestUnit._set_args(args) @classmethod def main(cls): args, rest = TestUnit._parse_args() for i, arg in enumerate(rest): if arg[:5] == 'test_': rest[i] = cls.__name__ + '.' + arg sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] + rest TestUnit._set_args(args) unittest.main() def setUp(self): self._run() def tearDown(self): self.stop() # detect errors and failures for current test def list2reason(exc_list): if exc_list and exc_list[-1][0] is self: return exc_list[-1][1] if hasattr(self, '_outcome'): result = self.defaultTestResult() self._feedErrorsToResult(result, self._outcome.errors) else: result = getattr(self, '_outcomeForDoCleanups', self._resultForDoCleanups) success = not list2reason(result.errors) \ and not list2reason(result.failures) # check unit.log for alerts with open(self.testdir + '/unit.log', 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f: self._check_alerts( # remove unit.log if not TestUnit.save_log and success: shutil.rmtree(self.testdir) else: self._print_path_to_log() def check_modules(self, *modules): self._run() for i in range(50): with open(self.testdir + '/unit.log', 'r') as f: log = m ='controller started', log) if m is None: time.sleep(0.1) else: break if m is None: self.stop() exit("Unit is writing log too long") current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) missed_module = '' for module in modules: if module == 'go': env = os.environ.copy() env['GOPATH'] = self.pardir + '/go' try: process = subprocess.Popen(['go', 'build', '-o', self.testdir + '/go/check_module', current_dir + '/go/empty/app.go'], env=env) process.communicate() m = module if process.returncode == 0 else None except: m = None elif module == 'node': if os.path.isdir(self.pardir + '/node/node_modules'): m = module else: m = None elif module == 'openssl': try: subprocess.check_output(['which', 'openssl']) output = subprocess.check_output([ self.pardir + '/build/unitd', '--version'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) m ='--openssl', output.decode()) except: m = None else: m ='module: ' + module, log) if m is None: missed_module = module break self.stop() self._check_alerts(log) shutil.rmtree(self.testdir) if missed_module: raise unittest.SkipTest('Unit has no ' + missed_module + ' module') def stop(self): if self._started: self._stop() def _run(self): self.testdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='unit-test-') os.mkdir(self.testdir + '/state') print() def _run_unit():[self.pardir + '/build/unitd', '--no-daemon', '--modules', self.pardir + '/build', '--state', self.testdir + '/state', '--pid', self.testdir + '/', '--log', self.testdir + '/unit.log', '--control', 'unix:' + self.testdir + '/control.unit.sock']) self._p = Process(target=_run_unit) self._p.start() if not self.waitforfiles(self.testdir + '/', self.testdir + '/unit.log', self.testdir + '/control.unit.sock'): exit("Could not start unit") self._started = True self.skip_alerts = [r'read signalfd\(4\) failed'] self.skip_sanitizer = False def _stop(self): with open(self.testdir + '/', 'r') as f: pid =['kill', '-s', 'QUIT', pid]) for i in range(50): if not os.path.exists(self.testdir + '/'): break time.sleep(0.1) if os.path.exists(self.testdir + '/'): exit("Could not terminate unit") self._started = False self._p.join(timeout=1) self._terminate_process(self._p) def _terminate_process(self, process): if process.is_alive(): process.terminate() process.join(timeout=5) if process.is_alive(): exit("Could not terminate process " + if process.exitcode: exit("Child process terminated with code " + str(process.exitcode)) def _check_alerts(self, log): found = False alerts = re.findall('.+\[alert\].+', log) if alerts: print('All alerts/sanitizer errors found in log:') [print(alert) for alert in alerts] found = True if self.skip_alerts: for skip in self.skip_alerts: alerts = [al for al in alerts if, al) is None] if alerts: self._print_path_to_log() self.assertFalse(alerts, 'alert(s)') if not self.skip_sanitizer: sanitizer_errors = re.findall('.+Sanitizer.+', log) if sanitizer_errors: self._print_path_to_log() self.assertFalse(sanitizer_errors, 'sanitizer error(s)') if found: print('skipped.') def waitforfiles(self, *files): for i in range(50): wait = False ret = False for f in files: if not os.path.exists(f): wait = True break if wait: time.sleep(0.1) else: ret = True break return ret @staticmethod def _parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument('-d', '--detailed', dest='detailed', action='store_true', help='Detailed output for tests') parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', dest='save_log', action='store_true', help='Save unit.log after the test execution') return parser.parse_known_args() @staticmethod def _set_args(args): TestUnit.detailed = args.detailed TestUnit.save_log = args.save_log def _print_path_to_log(self): print('Path to unit.log:\n' + self.testdir + '/unit.log') class TestUnitHTTP(TestUnit): def http(self, start_str, **kwargs): sock_type = 'ipv4' if 'sock_type' not in kwargs else kwargs['sock_type'] port = 7080 if 'port' not in kwargs else kwargs['port'] url = '/' if 'url' not in kwargs else kwargs['url'] http = 'HTTP/1.0' if 'http_10' in kwargs else 'HTTP/1.1' headers = ({ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Connection': 'close' } if 'headers' not in kwargs else kwargs['headers']) body = b'' if 'body' not in kwargs else kwargs['body'] crlf = '\r\n' if 'addr' not in kwargs: addr = '::1' if sock_type == 'ipv6' else '' else: addr = kwargs['addr'] sock_types = { 'ipv4': socket.AF_INET, 'ipv6': socket.AF_INET6, 'unix': socket.AF_UNIX } if 'sock' not in kwargs: sock = socket.socket(sock_types[sock_type], socket.SOCK_STREAM) if sock_type == sock_types['ipv4'] or sock_type == sock_types['ipv6']: sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) if 'wrapper' in kwargs: sock = kwargs['wrapper'](sock) connect_args = addr if sock_type == 'unix' else (addr, port) try: sock.connect(connect_args) except ConnectionRefusedError: sock.close() return None else: sock = kwargs['sock'] if 'raw' not in kwargs: req = ' '.join([start_str, url, http]) + crlf if body is not b'': if isinstance(body, str): body = body.encode() if 'Content-Length' not in headers: headers['Content-Length'] = len(body) for header, value in headers.items(): req += header + ': ' + str(value) + crlf req = (req + crlf).encode() + body else: req = start_str sock.sendall(req) if TestUnit.detailed: print('>>>', req, sep='\n') resp = '' if 'no_recv' not in kwargs: enc = 'utf-8' if 'encoding' not in kwargs else kwargs['encoding'] resp = self.recvall(sock).decode(enc) if TestUnit.detailed: print('<<<', resp.encode('utf-8'), sep='\n') if 'raw_resp' not in kwargs: resp = self._resp_to_dict(resp) if 'start' not in kwargs: sock.close() return resp return (resp, sock) def delete(self, **kwargs): return self.http('DELETE', **kwargs) def get(self, **kwargs): return self.http('GET', **kwargs) def post(self, **kwargs): return self.http('POST', **kwargs) def put(self, **kwargs): return self.http('PUT', **kwargs) def recvall(self, sock, buff_size=4096): data = b'' while[sock], [], [], 1)[0]: try: part = sock.recv(buff_size) except: break data += part if not len(part): break return data def _resp_to_dict(self, resp): m ='(.*?\x0d\x0a?)\x0d\x0a?(.*)', resp, re.M | re.S) if not m: return {} headers_text, body =, p = re.compile('(.*?)\x0d\x0a?', re.M | re.S) headers_lines = p.findall(headers_text) status ='^HTTP\/\d\.\d\s(\d+)|$', headers_lines.pop(0)).group(1) headers = {} for line in headers_lines: m ='(.*)\:\s(.*)', line) if not in headers: headers[] = elif isinstance(headers[], list): headers[].append( else: headers[] = [headers[],] return { 'status': int(status), 'headers': headers, 'body': body } class TestUnitControl(TestUnitHTTP): # TODO socket reuse # TODO http client def conf(self, conf, path='/config'): if isinstance(conf, dict): conf = json.dumps(conf) if path[:1] != '/': path = '/config/' + path return json.loads(self.put( url=path, body=conf, sock_type='unix', addr=self.testdir + '/control.unit.sock' )['body']) def conf_get(self, path='/config'): if path[:1] != '/': path = '/config/' + path return json.loads(self.get( url=path, sock_type='unix', addr=self.testdir + '/control.unit.sock' )['body']) def conf_delete(self, path='/config'): if path[:1] != '/': path = '/config/' + path return json.loads(self.delete( url=path, sock_type='unix', addr=self.testdir + '/control.unit.sock' )['body']) class TestUnitApplicationProto(TestUnitControl): current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) def sec_epoch(self): return time.mktime(time.gmtime()) def date_to_sec_epoch(self, date, template='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z'): return time.mktime(time.strptime(date, template)) def search_in_log(self, pattern): with open(self.testdir + '/unit.log', 'r', errors='ignore') as f: return, class TestUnitApplicationPython(TestUnitApplicationProto): def load(self, script, name=None): if name is None: name = script self.conf({ "listeners": { "*:7080": { "application": name } }, "applications": { name: { "type": "python", "processes": { "spare": 0 }, "path": self.current_dir + '/python/' + script, "working_directory": self.current_dir + '/python/' + script, "module": "wsgi" } } }) class TestUnitApplicationRuby(TestUnitApplicationProto): def load(self, script, name=''): self.conf({ "listeners": { "*:7080": { "application": script } }, "applications": { script: { "type": "ruby", "processes": { "spare": 0 }, "working_directory": self.current_dir + '/ruby/' + script, "script": self.current_dir + '/ruby/' + script + '/' + name } } }) class TestUnitApplicationPHP(TestUnitApplicationProto): def load(self, script, name='index.php'): self.conf({ "listeners": { "*:7080": { "application": script } }, "applications": { script: { "type": "php", "processes": { "spare": 0 }, "root": self.current_dir + '/php/' + script, "working_directory": self.current_dir + '/php/' + script, "index": name } } }) class TestUnitApplicationGo(TestUnitApplicationProto): def load(self, script, name='app'): if not os.path.isdir(self.testdir + '/go'): os.mkdir(self.testdir + '/go') env = os.environ.copy() env['GOPATH'] = self.pardir + '/go' process = subprocess.Popen(['go', 'build', '-o', self.testdir + '/go/' + name, self.current_dir + '/go/' + script + '/' + name + '.go'], env=env) process.communicate() self.conf({ "listeners": { "*:7080": { "application": script } }, "applications": { script: { "type": "external", "processes": { "spare": 0 }, "working_directory": self.current_dir + '/go/' + script, "executable": self.testdir + '/go/' + name } } }) class TestUnitApplicationNode(TestUnitApplicationProto): def load(self, script, name='app.js'): # copy application shutil.copytree(self.current_dir + '/node/' + script, self.testdir + '/node') # link modules os.symlink(self.pardir + '/node/node_modules', self.testdir + '/node/node_modules') self.conf({ "listeners": { "*:7080": { "application": script } }, "applications": { script: { "type": "external", "processes": { "spare": 0 }, "working_directory": self.testdir + '/node', "executable": name } } }) class TestUnitApplicationPerl(TestUnitApplicationProto): def load(self, script, name=''): self.conf({ "listeners": { "*:7080": { "application": script } }, "applications": { script: { "type": "perl", "processes": { "spare": 0 }, "working_directory": self.current_dir + '/perl/' + script, "script": self.current_dir + '/perl/' + script + '/' + name } } }) class TestUnitApplicationTLS(TestUnitApplicationProto): def __init__(self, test): super().__init__(test) self.context = ssl.create_default_context() self.context.check_hostname = False self.context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE def certificate(self, name='default', load=True):['openssl', 'req', '-x509', '-new', '-config', self.testdir + '/openssl.conf', '-subj', '/CN=' + name + '/', '-out', self.testdir + '/' + name + '.crt', '-keyout', self.testdir + '/' + name + '.key']) if load: self.certificate_load(name) def certificate_load(self, crt, key=None): if key is None: key = crt with open(self.testdir + '/' + key + '.key', 'rb') as k, \ open(self.testdir + '/' + crt + '.crt', 'rb') as c: return self.conf( +, '/certificates/' + crt) def get_ssl(self, **kwargs): return self.get(wrapper=self.context.wrap_socket, **kwargs) def post_ssl(self, **kwargs): return, **kwargs) def get_server_certificate(self, addr=('', 7080)): return ssl.get_server_certificate(addr) def load(self, script, name=None): if name is None: name = script # create default openssl configuration with open(self.testdir + '/openssl.conf', 'w') as f: f.write("""[ req ] default_bits = 1024 encrypt_key = no distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name [ req_distinguished_name ]""") self.conf({ "listeners": { "*:7080": { "application": name } }, "applications": { name: { "type": "python", "processes": { "spare": 0 }, "path": self.current_dir + '/python/' + script, "working_directory": self.current_dir + '/python/' + script, "module": "wsgi" } } })